Paintings / Acrylic / Mixed / Pre-2020

Acrylic Paintings Pre-2020

2017. One of this first times attempting to paint. Absolute abomination. Future paintings would be basically the same idea, just not as crap. Let’s speak no more of this trash.


More from 2017, right after the last one. See? Not as crap. All of these paintings from 2017 were destroyed and tossed in a dumpster. Except for the pink one, which was a birthday gift for my at-the-time girlfriend’s daughter. 7 year-old daughter, so probably also eventually destroyed.


Also from 2017, right after the previous ones. This is still my all-time favorite, and I think best painting, that I have ever done. Probably because I spent way more time and effort on this one than any of the others. There isn’t a single part of this painting that I didn’t cover over and repaint at least once. I never really bothered giving titles to my paintings(or drawings, or other art), but this one I ended up referring to as “Galaxy Wolf”. Fun Fact: I used to have a Reddit account where I posted all of my art and other projects, and someone in China ganked this image, cut out the wolf silhouette, and slapped it on a bunch of cheap products for sale on Wish/Aliexpress.

Like the other paintings from that time, it was destroyed and tossed in the dumpster.

In 2018 (2019 maybe?), someone wanted to buy it, so I repainted it. I don’t think it came out nearly as good as the original, but they liked it. Maybe I’ll paint it one more time.


In 2018 I painted this mess, in preparation for repainting the galaxy wolf, to be sold.

More space/starry sky stuff, since it’s easy, and I like it. If I ever decide to pull any canvases out of the closet and paint, I will almost certainly be painting more of the same.

Not sure what happened to this one. Either gave it away, or might have sold it.


In 2019, I briefly started painting again, thinking maybe I could sell some stuff at craft fairs or something. These same four paintings are currently hanging on my wall still collecting dust. Two okay painting out of four is not terrible.

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